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The amygdala is one of two almond-shaped clusters of nuclei located deep and medially within the temporal lobes of the brain's cerebrum in complex vertebrates, including humans. Shown to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision-making, and emotional responses (including fear, anxiety, and aggression), the amygdalae are considered part of the limbic system [source].



I don’t know your name
I don’t know your name
I don’t know your name

요즘 기분은 어때

How do you feel nowadays

I don’t know your name
기억들로 여행
지우고픈 일들
요즘 기분은 어때

I don’t know your name
Traveling through the memories
The things I want to erase
How do you feel nowadays

내가 태어난 달
엄마 심장의 수술
별의별 일이 많았지
뭐가 이리 다사다난한지
기억조차 안 나는 기억도
다 꺼내 보자고 하나씩
다 꺼내 보자고 하나씩

The month I was born
Mom's heart surgery
There were all kinds of things (that happened)
How is it so eventful
Even the memories I can't even remember
Let's take them all out one by one
Let's take them all out one by one

Oh oh
최선들의 선택
다음 차선들의 선택
차차 선들의 선택 선택 선택 yeah

Oh oh
The best choices
Next the second best choices
Next the second second best choices, choices, choices yeah

원치 않던 일들
내 통제 밖의 일들
자 집어넣자 하나둘
그래 하나둘 그래 하나둘

The things that (I) didn't want
The things out of (my) control
All right let's throw them in one-two
Okay one-two, okay one-two

I don’t know your name
기억들로 여행
I don’t know your name
자 지워보자 하나씩, 그래 하나씩

I don’t know your name
Traveling through the memories
I don’t know your name
All right let's erase them one by one, okay one by one

My amygdala (my amygdala)
어서 나를 구해줘 어서 나를 구해줘
My amygdala (my amygdala)
어서 나를 꺼내줘 어서 나를 꺼내줘

My amygdala (my amygdala)
Please hurry and save me, hurry and save me
My amygdala (my amygdala)
Please hurry get me out, hurry and get me out

My amygdala (my amygdala)
My amygdala (my amygdala)

이곳에서 구해줘 어서 빨리 꺼내줘

Please save me from this place, hurry and get me out

Uh uh 그래 참 별의별 일이 많았지
Uh uh 귓가엔 엄마 심장 시계 소리
Uh uh 전하지 못했던 내 사고 소식과
스케줄 중에 걸려 온 전환
아버지의 간암 소식

Uh uh yeah there were a lot of various things (that happened)
Uh uh the sound of mom's heart's clock in my ear
Uh uh the news of my accident that I couldn't tell
And the call that came during my schedule
About father's liver cancer news

최선의 선택들이 맞았었길
그 또한 모두 지나가 버렸기에
그래서 이 수많은 고통은 날 위한 것일까
끊임없던 시련은 날 죽이지 못했고
다시금 나는 연꽃을¹ 피워내

I hope they were really the best choices
As they have also all passed by
So all these countless pains, could they have been for me
The endless trials that couldn't kill me
Once again I bloom into a lotus flower¹

Oh oh
최선들의 선택
다음 차선들의 선택
차차 선들의 선택 선택 선택 yeah

Oh oh
The best choices
Next the second best choices
Next the second second best choices, choices, choices yeah

원치 않던 일들
내 통제 밖의 일들
자 집어넣자 하나둘
그래 하나둘 그래 하나둘

The things that (I) didn't want
The things out of (my) control
All right let's throw them in one-two
Okay one-two, okay one-two

I don’t know your name
기억들로 여행
I don’t know your name
자 지워보자 하나씩, 그래 하나씩

I don’t know your name
Traveling through the memories
I don’t know your name
All right let's erase them one by one, okay one by one

My amygdala (my amygdala)

어서 나를 구해줘 어서 나를 구해줘

My amygdala (my amygdala)

어서 나를 꺼내줘 어서 나를 꺼내줘

My amygdala (my amygdala)

Please hurry and save me, hurry and save me

My amygdala (my amygdala)

Please hurry get me out, hurry and get me out

My amygdala (my amygdala)My amygdala (my amygdala)

이곳에서 구해줘 어서 빨리 꺼내줘

Please save me from this place, hurry and get me out



1. Reference to the lyrics of the song 'D-Day' (track 1 of the album D-DAY):

연꽃은 진흙탕 속에서도
찬란하게 꽃피우기에

'As the lotus flower that blooms brilliantly even in the mud'

2. The word 'things' mentioned a couple of times throughout the lyrics refers to occurrences, the things that occurred in life.

Please note that I will keep working on improving the tone of this translation and possible corrections (if needed), therefore, this translation will keep being updated.


Take out translation only with full credits.

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