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어떻게 생각해 어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해 어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해 어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각하던지 난 미안한데 시발 좆도 관심없네

What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
Whatever you think, fuck I'm sorry but I don't fucking care at all


미안 좆도 관심없네 니 인생이 어중간한 것도
니가 망해서 똥통을 벗어나지도 못하는 것도
내 성공이 니 실패와 연관이 있다고 생각하다니
착각이 수준급이군 좆도

개그감들이 so-so 니가 좆된 것은 니 탓이지 no-no?
이 노랠 듣는 좆 들은 뭐 개빡쳐서 졸도

Sorry I don't fucking even care about your mediocre life
Or even that you failed and couldn't get out of a shithole
So you think my success is linked with your failure
Your levels of delusions are fucking high

Your sense of humour is so so
The reason you were fucked up is your fault, no no?
The ******** listening to this song will faint from being fucking pissed

빠꾸없이 또 직진 난 전세계 so fly huh
굳이 하지 않아 난 flexing but 전세기 so fly
다 해먹어 하나씩 ey 우리가 여태 하듯이
밥풀이 붙었던 것 정돈 신경 안쓰니
알아서 떨어졌던 것처럼 다 싸그리 go fuck yourself huh

No going back, just straight again, I go worldwide so fly huh
I don't deliberately do flexing but private jet, so fly
We take it all, one by one, as we've done so far
I don't care for stuck grains of rice, so
Just the way they fall off by themselves, all of you go fuck yourself huh


어떻게 생각해 어떻게 생각해

빌보드 1위, 어떻게 생각해
그 다음은 그래미, 어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각하던지 난 미안한데 시발 좆도 관심없네

What do you think, what do you think
Number 1 on Billboard, what do you think
Next up is Grammy, what do you think
Whatever you think, fuck I'm sorry but I don't fucking care at all

어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각하든지 난 미안한데 시발 좆도 관심없네

What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
Whatever you think, fuck I'm sorry but I don't fucking care at all\

내 통장에 0 열 개들은 청춘을 담보로 한 돈
I got a big house, big car, big ring*
뭐든지 가져와봐 줄게 내 black card
미디어의 혜택을 받은 새끼들은 나보다 방송을 많이 타고
돈 자랑하는 애새끼들 벌어봤자 얼마나 벌었겠냐 싶어

The ten 0s in my bank account, the money from my youth pledged as collateral
I got a big house big car big ring*
Try bringing whatever, I’ll give you my black card
The fuckers who got media benefits get more airplay than I do
These little fuckers boasting about their money, I wonder how much do you earn


Woo woo 그래 이제 돈 자랑들은 뭐 귀엽지
Woo woo 분배는 니 급 쯤에서나 아깝지
Woo woo 군대는 때 되면 알아서들 갈테니까
우리 이름 팔아먹으면서 숟가락을 얹으려고 한 새끼들 싸그리 다 닥치길**

Woo woo, yeah now, boasting about money is just cute
Woo woo, distribution is difficult only for your level
Woo woo, when it's time for military we'll go by ourselves
So I hope all the fuckers trying to ride the coattails by selling our names shut the fuck up**


I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
이쯤 되면은 알 필요 없지
아이돌음악이 음악이냐는 말들에는 좆도 관심이 없지
마지막 선물이 되겠지만 이것 또한 너희들에게는 사치
높게 높게 더 높게 쳐다도 못볼만치

I don't know I don't know
I don't know I don't know
At this point, for me, there's no need to know
I'm not even fucking interested in questions like "Is idol music considered music?"
This will be the last present but this is also a luxury for you
Higher higher even higher that you can't see me even if you stare


어떻게 생각해, 어떻게 생각해
빌보드 1위, 어떻게 생각해
그 다음은 그래미, 어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각하던지 난 미안한데 시발 좆도 관심없네

What do you think, what do you think
Number 1 on Billboard, what do you think
The next is Grammy, what do you think
Whatever you think, fuck I'm sorry but I don't fucking care at all


어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각해
어떻게 생각하든지 난 미안한데 시발 좆도 관심없네

What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
What do you think, What do you think
Whatever you think, fuck I'm sorry but I don't fucking care at all


1. *reference to No More Dream:

“I want a big house, big cars, and big rings
But in reality I don't have any big dreams”

2. ** The literal translation would be:
I hope all the fuckers who try to sell our names and put a spoon on our (famous) names to eat (some fame) shut the fuck up

The phrase ‘숟가락을 앉다’ has two meanings: one is to jump on the bandwagon; the second is to express when someone only puts a spoon on a dinner table and tries to pretend/take credit for preparing the whole meal.

Please note: This song has explicit lyrics.

Next song in D-2 >


Take out translation only with full credits.

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